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Learning and Career Guidance through Brain Testing

Know your ultimate strengths, weaknesses and personality type. our scientific method of brain testing identifies your core competencies and reveals how you will perform in every area of life. Discover your own patterns to help you make better decisions for yourself and others.

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What is Psychometric Brain Test?

Analysis of brain using the scientific method of detecting interests, sensitivity, best abilities, strengths, weaknesses, and other behaviour-related qualities and disabilities. The process is a combination of various analyses and processes including, the DITA Test, Aptitude Test, Brain Mapping, and expert counselling.

Dermatoglyphics Inborn Talent Analysis test is a truly scientific study of fingerprint patterns. This will help in understanding a great individual’s potential & personality Type. DITA is based on understanding from Neuroscience, Genetics, Dermatoglyphics, Psychology, and Embryology. DMIT Test Assessment method has been formulated by scientists and Medical experts. DITA Test has been accepted by the entire world and also by renowned universities. Medical experts and Approved clinical experience confirmed that fingerprints provide an accurate analysis of a human’s Multiple Intelligence and inborn potential.

It is a test that maps the brain to reveal knowledge. The brain-mapping test is done to interpret the behaviour of the child and to find statements relating to their strengths and weaknesses. During the tests, our experts apply unique neuro communication technologies to find out a child's brain bad habits or weaknesses and to find out whether s/he is concealing any information.

The Brain aptitude test is a methodical means of testing a child's abilities to perform specific tasks and react to a range of different situations. Each test has a standardized method of administration and scoring, with the results quantified and compared with all other test takers. The test may include various terms as per the requirements including Numerical reasoning tests, verbal reasoning tests, Intray exercises, Diagrammatic tests, Situational judgment tests, Inductive reasoning tests, Cognitive ability tests, Mechanical reasoning tests, Abstract reasoning tests, Inductive reasoning tests, Spatial awareness tests, and Error checking tests.
There are 3-Types of Learning Styles??

What is your Personal Learning Style?

Everyone has 8 Types of Intelligence?

Which is your Most Powerful Intelligence.

Are you Left Brain Thinker or Right Brain Thinker?

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Dear Friends!

Can you explain ?

  • In which career you will perform the BEST?
  • Difference Between “Interest & Intelligence”
  • That everyone has 5 Quotient Levels?
  • What are your Personality & Behaviour Traits?

100% Scientific Test

Learning and Career Guidance for everyone.

What is your child’s Personal acquiring style?

The theory of multiple intelligences was written by Dr. Howard Gardner in 1983. It claims that everyone is intelligent in at least eight different ways and can develop each aspect of intelligence to an average level of competency. He said that only IQ is not enough to judge a child, because there are so many things beyond IQ.

Dermatoglyphics is the scientific study of fingerprints. These fingerprints are called “ridges” which are directly connected to the lobes of the brain. As you know there are no two people in the world having the same fingerprints, and once it is formed it will never change the shape of ridges. At 13 weeks of the gestation period, the brain starts developing which may develop up to 25-27 weeks, simultaneously these ridges form. Whenever a child born, there brain and ridges are fully formed.

Dr. Cummins acquired worldwide acknowledgment as the “Father of Dermatoglyphics” or the medical study of skin ridge patterns found on human hands. His lifetime studies and techniques are known as the Cummins Methodology and are widely accepted as an important tool in mapping out genetic and evolutionary relationships. Cummins's Methodology has acquired wide usage in the analysis of the few types of cleft palate, mental retardation, schizophrenia, and even heart diseases. Whereas other fields are concerned, dermatoglyphics is used to assist ethnologic and population studies and also to make identifications by police. Studied all aspects of fingerprint analysis, from anthropology to genetics to embryology. He established the Theory of Dermatoglyphics in 1926 after researching existing research with other scientists, standardizing the definition of Dermatoglyphics which is commonly used today. Dermatoglyphics officially become a professional knowledge in the field of research.

1926- Harold Cummins, the Father of Dermatoglyphics, and C.Midlo studied all aspects of fingerprint analysis, from anthropology to genetics and embryology perspective. In 1943 he published a book, “Finger Prints, Palms and Soles”, a bible in the field of dermatoglyphics.

1970- USSR, Former Soviet Union used Dermatoglyphics in selecting the contestant for the Olympics, and won over 50 Gold medals.

2004- IBMBS- International Behavioral & Medical Biometrics Society. Over 7000 reports and theses published. Nowadays U.S., Japan, China, and Taiwan apply dermatoglyphics to educational fields, expecting to improve teaching qualities and raise learning efficiency by knowing various learning styles.

Fingerprints and Brain Connection

Fingerprints truly are closely associated with the infant’s mental development. Fingerprints are usually developed during the 13th to 19th week of an embryo. Fingerprints start to develop inside the embryo from the 13th Week. In fact, it gets formed by the 24th week. Many research papers have got elaborated on the link between fingerprint patterns and Human Brain lobes.

According to Dr. Albert Einstein

Everyone is a genius but if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that is stupid. We urge you to understand that everyone has a different ability or a particular talent. Often, comparing yourself to someone else’s abilities might mean overlooking your own abilities which are more suited to you. In other words, stop being a fish trying to climb a tree, be happy swimming, as it comes naturally to you. The point is that we’re not all made to be theoretical physicists. Aim for what you’re good at, work hard for what you want, and don’t punish yourself when you can’t do everything perfectly.

Career counseling by IBRI Experts

Brain Analysis Solutions for everyone

Test For Children
Know your child Inborn Talent. Identify the best learning style for your child. Select Activities based upon their innate potential. Identify your child Multiple Intelligence. Improve the relationship between parents and children.

  • Nurture Report
  • Age Group : 3 tO 10 Years
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Education Fetaure

Test For Students
Know your Personal Quotients, IQ-EQ-AQ-CQ-SQ. Know you’re analytical and creative skills. Understand your intrinsic potential. Get your Preferred Learning Style based on Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic.

  • Scholar Report
  • Age Group : 11 tO 17 Years

Test For Adults
Know your hidden talents. Improve your relationships with loved ones. Develop your understanding through better communications. Understand your Values and Characteristics. Improve your family relationships

  • Relationship Report
  • Age Group : 25 Years and above
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Education Fetaure

Test For Employees
Find the right Employee for the right job. Pre-Employments Screening. Know your employee Personal potentials IQ-AQ-EQ-SQ-CQ. Discover Leadership, Planning and execution Qualities.

  • Life Skills Report
  • Corporate - Human Resource

Test For Career Guidance
Know Your Personality Types. Develop your core competencies. Recognize your Multiple Intelligence. Know your Strength and weakness based on MI Theory. Find the most suitable learning and leadership Qualities.

  • Establishment Report
  • Age Group : 16 Years and above
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Training For Teachers
Identify your student's inborn talents and weaknesses. Understand student's natural character & behaviours, Design multi-modality teaching methods. Meet your student learning different styles and academic needs.

  • Psychometric Analyst Programme
  • School - College and Institutes
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Learning & Career Guidance with Career+

Know Your Personality Types, Develop your core competencies,
Choose the right career based on Multiple Intelligence.
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